build your community, your own way
strong & flexible technical capabilities to enable multi-premise & micro-grid solutions, multi-site data connections and other networked solutions
with a platform and tools to support commercial and non-commercial offerings - including innovative ‘energy-as-a-service’ installations and models
estate services | resource management platform
installer solutions management | managed services
get smarter, all together - with secure networking capabilities for connected solutions
connect premise to premise at the same site
integrate various shared resources to form microgrids, whether acting as a not-for-profit community or as a commercial service
get a single view across geographically distributed sites - especially useful for ESG initiatives and reliable reporting
microgrids and other solutions and service enablers
high-grade security by design
ability to create a single centralised database
a platform to build and drive services (including billing), plus ESG initiatives and reporting
managing resources so that external risks are managed and user entitlements are served & controlled
control quantity/time of grid use to manage grid tariff-tier thresholds to avoid penalties and/or higher grid energy costs
control local energy supply sources and delivery to manage ‘estate user agreements’
save costs and drive carbon reduction by selectively shutting-down non-priority loads at times of green energy deficit e.g. ornamental lighting, fountains and other ‘hidden’ energy consumers
prioritize site physical security systems as needed